From seed to shipment

All Wondernuts get their start on prime Kenya farmlands and end up at our processing facility in Nairobi, where they undergo a series of steps before they are ready to be shipped to our customers.

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Drying, curing and cracking

After harvest, Wondernuts are dried in a timely manner, then cured by heating the nuts to reduce their moisture content. The shell can then be cracked without damaging the inner kernel. After cracking, our processing equipment separates dust, dirt and bits of shell from the kernel.


Sorting and sizing

Once kernels are removed from their shell, they are sorted by an electronic sorter and sizer. Our quality control inspectors conduct a final visual inspection to ensure all kernels meet Wondernut’s quality standards.


Packaging & storing

Our macadamia kernels are packaged in carbon dioxide-flushed, vacuum-sealed aluminium sleeves and stored in our temperature-controlled warehouse to ensure freshness until they are ready to be exported to buyers around the world.